User's Guide
Jaroslav Fojtík
1 Introduction
1.1 Some general remarks
1.2 Authorship history
2 Conversion possibilities
3 The program
3.1 Description of command line arguments
3.2 Program Behaviour
4 How to install WP2LaTeX
4.1 Under DOS and OS/2
4.2 Under Linux
4.3 Windows
5 Discussion about conversion reliability
6 Guidelines
6.1 Tabbing
6.2 Indenting
6.3 Combinations of tabbing and indenting
6.4 Page number positioning
6.5 WordPerfect default values
6.6 Footnotes & Endnotes
6.7 Formulas
6.8 Headers and footers
6.9 Images
6.10 Spaces
6.11 Tables
7 Used Styles
8 Advanced features
8.1 Understanding log file
8.2 Logging of nested objects
9 Warning and Error messages
10 The package
10.1 Re-compilation of the code
10.2 Compile options
10.3 Modularity of the code
10.4 Support for gettext library
10.5 Debugging version of W P2LATEX
11 Copyright
12 Conclusion
1 Introduction
There is another version of written from scratch
by the original author R. C. Houtepen at TUE-Eindhoven. This version
differs completely from the package in your hand. Please check it on
your nearest CTAN host at:
tex-archive/support/wp2latex/* .
The version there has the disadvantage, that there isn't any source code
available. The source code in the subdirectories is very old. I tried
hardly to contact the author but failed. So I took the latest available
sources (which based on these in the subdirectories mentioned above)
and corrected some errors. I never checked the other version. I apologize
everybody to compare both versions and tell me the conclusion.
was originally designed to translate WordPerfect 5.0 documents
into LATEX 2.09. Later some code was added to translate also WordPerfect 5.1
documents. Now the preamble is designed for LATEX 2e (by changing the
preamble by hand it runs also under LATEX 2.09 of course).
The original programming language used was Turbo Pascal 7.0 and C++. The
pascal version will be no longer supported from me. Only severe bugs might
be corrected. C++ code has been ported to OS/2, DOS DJGPP and Linux operation
The projection from one paradigm (WordPerfect = word processing) to another
(LATEXtypesetting) requires some cooperation on the part of the user.
Because the use of LATEX is tied to strict rules, one must take these rules
into consideration when using WordPerfect, if the WordPerfect 5.0 document is
to be converted as accurately as possible. This guide discusses those rules.
1.1 Some general remarks
- Don't expect a better looking result only caused by converting text
from WordPerfect to LATEX. You HAVE TO edit the resulting LATEX files.
The reason is, that wordprocessors didn't give the structure
of the text (sections, itemizations, labels, ...) but only
the formatting (boldface, underline (uurgh), italic, ...).
- See next section for conversion abilities
- Don't expect any miracles from this program.
1.2 Authorship history
was written in Turbo Pascal by R. C. Houtepen at TUE-Eindhoven.
It was converted into C using p2c, and modified, by Glenn Geers (Sydney U).
It was further modified by Michael Covington (U of Georgia).
Modified to be used in unix/linux environment by Claudio Porfiri.
The parsing of formulas was added by Dirk Lellinger (U Halle/Germany).
The splitting of code into several files and the documentation
was done by Andreas Tille.
J Fojtik developed original version from R. C. Houtepen at TUE-Eindhoven
and then tried to give all available versions together.
2 Conversion possibilities
Because the capabilities of WordPerfect and LATEX differ strongly, it is
not possible to convert all of WordPerfect's `features'.
The conversions which are performed by (when converting WP1.x
documents) are:
- Endnotes
- Extended characters (one charset 256 with chars)
- Footnotes
- Hard page breaks
- Hard returns
- Justification :
- Soft Hyphen
- The following Typefaces :
- Superscript
- Subscript
- Bold
- Italic
- Underlined (ability to utilize ulem.sty)
The conversions which are performed by (when converting
WP2,3,4.x MAC documents) are:
- Center page
- Colors (Only LATEX20e)
- Endnotes
- Extended characters (one charset 256 with chars)
- Flush-right text
- Footnotes
- Hard page breaks
- Headers and footers
- Hard returns
- Justification :
- Soft Hyphen
- The following Typefaces :
- Bold
- Italic
- Underlined
- Small Capitals
- Undo blocks
- Widow Orphan On/Off
The conversions which are performed by (when converting WP4.x
documents) are:
- Center page
- Comment
- Contents
- Mark To Contents
- Table of Contents
- Date Code
- Endnotes
- Extended characters (one charset 256 with chars)
- Flush-right text
- Footnotes
- Headers and footers
- Hard page breaks
- Hard returns
- Hyphenation On/Off
- Indenting :
- Index
- Mark To Index
- Table of Indices (makeindex is required)
- Justification :
- Language
- Marks ToContents
- Newspaper-style columns (experimental max only 2)
- Overstriking
- Page number positioning
- Page numbers
- Page number set
- Soft Hyphen
- The following Typefaces :
- Superscript
- Subscript
- Bold
- Italic
- Underlined (ability to utilize ulem.sty)
- Double-underlined
- RedLine (Only LATEX20e)
- Widow Orphan On/Off
The conversions which are performed by (when converting WP5.x
documents) are:
- Abstract
- Advances
- Center page
- Colors (Only LATEX20e)
- Comment
- Contents
- Mark To Contents
- Table of Contents
- Cross-references
- Date Code
- Endnotes
- Endnote items
- Endnote placement
- Equations (formulas)
- Extended characters (foreign language/accented, math, Greek)
- Flush-right text
- Footnotes
- Headers and footers
- Hard page breaks
- Hard returns
- Hyphenation On/Off
- Image boxes Images itself should be converted by external utility.
- Indenting :
- Index
- Mark To Index
- Table of Indices (makeindex is required)
- Justification :
- Labels
- Language
- Marks ToContents
- Newspaper-style columns (using multicol.sty)
- Outlining
- Overstriking (and also attribute changes inside overstrikes)
- Page number positioning
- Page numbers
- Page number set
- Soft Hyphen
- Tab Settings
- Tabs :
- setting
- left tabs
- center tabs
- right tabs
- Tables
- Table boxes
- Table of contents
- Text boxes
- The following Typefaces:
- Extra large
- Very large
- Large
- Small
- Fine
- Superscript
- subscript
- Bold
- Italic
- Overstrike
- Small caps
- Underlined (ability to utilize ulem.sty)
- Double-underlined
- RedLine (Only LATEX20e)
- Title
- Widow Orphan On/Off
Not converted are :
- margin settings
- top and bottom margins
- the calculations in tables
- and many other WP features ...
The conversions which are performed by (when converting WP6.x
documents) are:
- Center page
- Colors (Only LATEX20e)
- Comment (also nested ones)
- Cross-references
- Endnotes
- Endnote counter
- Endnote items
- Endnote placement
- Equations (formulas)
- Extended characters (foreign language/accented, math, Greek - not linedrawing),
but some of them badly.
- Filename
- Flush-right text
- Footnotes
- Hard page breaks
- Hard returns
- Headers and footers
- Image boxes Images itself should be converted by external utility.
- Indenting
- Justification:
- Newspaper-style columns (using multicol.sty)
- Page number set
- Page numbers
- Tables
- Table boxes
- Table of contents
- Text boxes
- Typefaces list follows:
- Extra large
- Very large
- Large
- Small
- Fine
- Superscript
- subscript
- Italic
- Overstrike
- Small caps
- Bold
- Underlined (ability to utilize ulem.sty)
- Double-underlined
- RedLine (Only LATEX20e)
- Undo blocks
- Widow Orphan On/Off
Not converted are all other features for this case.
Note: WP7.x and WP8.x have the same binary format as WP6.x, so the same subset
of features is converted. WP11.x and WP12.x have a new formula format (MTEFF
same as MS Word) that is also supported by WP6.x module.
RTF2LaTeX conversion module could convert these RTF (Rich Text File) features:
- Colors (Only LATEX20e)
- Cross-references
- Endnotes
- Equations (formulas)
- Only those stored in MTEFF 2.x and MTEFF 3.x
- Footnotes
- Hard returns
- Headers and footers
- Justification:
- Typefaces list follows:
- Italic
- Small caps
- Bold
- Underlined (ability to utilize ulem.sty)
- Double-underlined
- Strike through
- Unicode symbols
3 The program
The program is invoked with the command:
WP2LATEX [/? | /-help]
[WP-filename.WP [TeX-filename.TEX]] [ /i WP-filename.WP] [/o TeX-filename.TEX]
[/fig-output-dir directory] [ /l Log-filename.TXT ] [ /amssymb ] [ /bbm ]
[ -configfile filename | -@ filename ] [ /copyright ] [ /cp-codepage ]
[ /cp-styles ] [ /charset1 | /charsetCZ ] [ /extract-WPG ] [ /fancyhdr ]
[/force-xxx] [/FORCE-xxx] [ /ignore-tabs ] [ /input-PS ] [/L language]
[ /LaTeX2 | /LaTeX3 ] [ /latexsym ] [ /no-amssymb ] [ /no-bbm ] [ /no-columns ]
[/no-erase-strip] [ /no-extract-WPG ] [ /no-input-PS ] [ /no-latexsym ]
[ /no-safemode ] [ /no-texchars ] [ /no-wasy ] [ /s "password" ]
[ /S | /silent] [/safemode] [ /silent ] [ /texchars] [ /ulem ] [ /v ]
[ /wasy ]
Following Unix-like call style is also possible:
WP2LATEX [-? | --help]
[WP-filename.WP [TeX-filename.TEX]] [ /i WP-filename.WP] [/o TeX-filename.TEX]
[-fig-output-dir directory] [ -l Log-filename.TXT ] [ -amssymb ] [ -bbm ]
[ -configfile filename | -@ filename ] [ -copyright ] [ -cp-codepage ]
[ -cp-styles ] [ -charset1 | -charsetCZ ] [ -extract-WPG ] [ -fancyhdr ]
[-force-xxx] [-FORCE-xxx] [ -ignore-tabs ] [ -input-PS ] [-L language]
[ -LaTeX2 | -LaTeX3 ] [ -latexsym ] [ -no-amssymb ] [ -no-bbm ] [ -no-columns ]
[-no-erase-strip] [ -no-extract-WPG ] [ -no-input-PS ] [ -no-latexsym ]
[ -no-safemode ] [ -no-texchars ] [ -no-wasy ] [ -s "password" ]
[ -S | -silent] [-safemode] [ -silent ] [ -texchars] [ -ulem ] [ -v ]
[ -wasy ]
3.1 Description of command line arguments
The parameter WP-filename.WP1 is optional.
The program starts with an opening screen and asks for the WordPerfect
filename. The default filename is printed inside square brackets
([ ]) and is the parameter which was optionally included in
the initial invocation of WP2LATEX. The user can at this point type
in another WordPerfect filename, or he can hit return to choose the default
filename. The program next requests the name of the generated LATEX document. The default given within brackets is the name of the
WordPerfect file, with the extension .TEX or
TeX-filename.TEX passed as second argument. Once again the user
may accept this name or enter another2. Once the filenames are given, the
following error messages may appear :
- The given WordPerfect file does not exist.
- An invalid path was given in the name
of one of the files.
- The given WordPerfect
file was not created in WordPerfect 5.x
Arguments /cpXXX are used for 8. bit TEX, which is able to process
some of these code pages. WP2LaTeX currently supports these codepages:
"852"(ISO8), "866"(Russ), "895"(Kamenicky), "1250"(Win),
"1251"(WinRuss), ÏSO8859-2", ÏSO8859_1", "KOI8R".
The codepage /cp895 is called as
Kamenictí and is often used in central Europe. The codepage
/cp895 (ISO8) is preferred in DOS for central Europe and
the codepage /cp1250 is designed for central Europe Windows.
Russian people would prefer /cp1251 (Windows) or /cp866 or
WP2LaTeX has sophisticated way how to autodetect file format of given document.
Some file formats like WP4.x or WP1.x could not be fully detected. Turning this parameter
on switch to the selected conversion module in the case when autodetection
do not find any appropriate file format. xxx stands for conversion module shortcut.
These are WP1.x, WP3.x, WP4.x, WP5.x, WP6.x, HTML, RTF, T602, AbiWord. Type
wp2latex -v
to obtain list of them.
Please note that one conversion module converts whole family of fileformat modifications.
WP3.x converts WP2.x MAC, WP3.x MAC and WP4.x MAC. WP6.x convertor converts files
from Word Perfect 6 up to Word Perfect 12.
If you try to convert documents e.g. from WP version 4.x then this program sometimes
says that you have no WP file. The reason is that WP 4.x format gives no chance
for reliable autodetection. If you are sure that you have a WP 4.x file turn
the switch -force-WP4.x on. The same approach could apply foe any conversion
module. If you are absolutely sure that you have a binary corrupted fragment
of WP5.x file you could use -force-WP5.x. Lowercase -force-xxx
uses suggested conversion module only if autodetection fails.
Much more stronger is argument -FORCE-xxx. This argument turns off any
autodetection and enforces using of a given conversion module. Use it only if
you are sure about it and expect troubles, because your file might be corrupted.
There are available several types of coding accented characters
in WP5.x. It is too bad. I guess that coding char set 1 is most common.
Thus switch /charset1 is default set.
If user wants to switch to the another coding, he should add switch
/charsetCZ. But I have no available description of this coding
and only several characters will be converted properly.
This switch has no influence for other conversion modules.
There is a very unclean custom to enhance documents with tabulators ([Tab]).
Any attempt to convert these documents into LATEX would look quite ugly.
That is why -ignore-tabs switch was introduced to ignore all tabs inside document.
Switch /L language turns on the translation features. These features
are based on the gettext library, which must be properly installed.
This means, that the system variable LOCALEDIR should be properly
set. If not, then the program wp2latex looks for the file referred in
the DJGPP and attempts to find the description of LOCALEDIR.
The system variable LANGUAGE has same meaning, but the
command line switch has stronger influence.
Switches -LaTeX2 and -LaTeX3 are aimed for selecting a LaTeX
dialect. There are some fine nuances between LATEX3 and LATEX2 and slightly
different output is generated. LATEX3 stands for LATEX20e.
Switch /noerase-strip is intended for debugging purposes. The program
do not erase all temporary files so you can analyze them later.
If you turn the switch -safemode on, you can convert even corrupted WP
wiles which hang WordPerfect well. All internal objects are tested and
corrupted ones are digged out. If you don't want this feature then omit this
switch. Do not expect better conversion from this feature.
In most cases it only slow down a conversion. But if your documents are really
corrupted, the conversion results may be better due to fixing errors.
Use -silent switch to reduce output messages. WP2LaTeX normally outputs
a lot of warnings and notes about conversion. These notes could be usefull
for analysing conversion results. This switch could be used to stop message
Switch /texchars allows using WordPerfect as a TEX editor. If this switch
is active, then controlling TEX sequences are not distorted and
you can add for example new equation (in the WP equation editor),
which will be converted. Please look also for the example file
If you want to use some switch very often, it is possible to set a system variable
wp2latex. This variable is read before a command line is processed.
For example you may want to set output codepage 895 and language
CS. wp2latex=-cp985 -L cs.
3.2 Program Behaviour
The conversion takes place in two passes. In the first pass the WordPerfect
input-file is read in, byte by byte. On the basis of that are created two
files, WP-filename.STR and WP_filename.TBL.
WP-filename.STR contains the characters, tab settings and changes of
typefaces; WP-filename.TBL holds information regarding the various
LATEX environments that must be opened and closed. In the second pass these
files are assimilated into a single LATEX file. After a successful
conversion the files WP-filename.STR and WP-filename.TBL are
automatically deleted.
Invoking to convert the WordPerfect 3.x, 4.x, 5.x or 6.x - 12.x
document e.g. C:\WPTEST\TEST.WP5 will cause the following screen to appear:
>>>WP2LaTeX<<< Conversion program: From Wordperfect to LaTeX Version 3.33
(c) Made by J.Fojtik ---- Date : 1996-2006
WordPerfect-filename [ ] : c:\wptest\test.wp5
LaTeX-filename [c:\wptest\test.TEX] :
Converting ...
First pass :
Converting-percentage : 100%
Second pass :
Converting-percentage : 100%
Conversion completed.
The first line of the generated LATEX file, in the case of the file
C:\WPTEST\TEST.TEX, will look as follows:
When calling LATEX to typeset the converted document, the style file
WP2LATEX.STY should be in the current directory or in the style-file
directory (e.g., \PCTEX\TEXINPUT).
This style file defines a number of macros and environments which are
regularly used in the generated LATEX files. Examples include the command
\nwln and the indenting environment. \nwln generates a
hard carriage return after the end of a LATEX-environment. The
indenting environment is used in the conversion of WordPerfect's
[®Indent] command (see § 6.2).
4 How to install WP2LaTeX
4.1 Under DOS and OS/2
You should place properly four files: wp2latex.exe, wp2latex.sty
endnotes.sty and
Place the file wp2latex.exe somewhere into your path. The good solution
is to place it to c:\emtex\ etc.
The path for files wp2latex.sty and endnotes.sty should be
available in the system variable texinput. A good solution is to place them
to c:\emtex\texinput\.
The last step is not required for proper behaviour of the program wp2latex.
It the last file is not placed, then your program will not be able to translate
output messages to your language (if the translation is available of course).
Merge the directory e.g. c:\gnu\share\locale\ with doc\locale\.
Or you may have translations in the directory referred in the system
variable localedir.
4.2 Under Linux
The installation is very easy. Change to the directory and type
make install. It is all.
4.3 Windows
Windows are meant Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT,
Windows 2000 and Windows XP. (I hope that Windows Vista will work a same way.)
Obsolete Windows 3.1 are not supported. If you have them, use pure DOS or DPMI
command line wp2latex.
Please create this directory structure:
+wp2latex (win_wp2l.exe; wp2latex.chm)
| +-lc_messages (
+-lc_messages (
A root that contains wp2latex directory could be
C:\Program Files\wp2latex or C:\wp2latex or any other
you decide.
Files win_wp2l.exe; wp2latex.chm are located in a directory
win\. Locale subtree is located in directory doc\. If you
have central storage of locale, you could also merge its directory e.g.
c:\gnu\share\locale\ with doc\locale\. Or you may have
translations in the directory referred in the system variable localedir.
The path for files wp2latex.sty and endnotes.sty should be
available in the system variable texinput. A good solution is to place them
to c:\emtex\texinput\. It depends on your LATEX distribution.
Anyway, you could get first experiences without installing wp2latex.
Just simply execute a file win_wp2l.exe from Windows file manager.
(Recommended) Install the .sty file with MiKTeX as follows:
* Navigate to the folder where LaTeX packages get installed. If you accepted
the default location when you installed MiKTeX, this folder is probably
C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex. (If you have an older MiKTeX
installation, this folder is probably C:\texmf\tex\latex.)
* Create a new folder inside this folder and call it wp2latex.
* Save your .sty file into this folder.
* Open the MiKTeX Options program. (You can do this by clicking Start, then All Programs, then MiKTeX, then MiKTeX Options.)
* Click 'Refresh Now' on the window that opens. Now you should be able to use any information in that .sty file in any LaTeX source file.
5 Discussion about conversion reliability
When I started to contribute to this convertor, I have read that after
conversion somebody must use several filters and special program to make a nice
LATEX output.
I have translated a huge WP file (about 1MB text) with a lot of
footnotes but no tables and formulas. To get a nice LaTeX format I wrote about 5 C-programs and about
40 sed-lines to convert some ugly formattings. After this I spend some time with manual editing.
At last I wrote a LaTeX-style for a nice looking document.
The whole procedure took me three days.
It was too bad! I hope, that this is not true with a current release.
So I expect that the conversion should be done better. Thus I started to
improve convertor. Now it is something like AI (Artificial Intelligence)
project and the results are not excellent. Why?
- Conversions performed by are only partial and some features
are ignored.
- In WordPerfect document are some unwanted
codes (such as [Tab], [Tab Set], [indent] instead [Tab] etc.) I advise you
to use [Tab] as small as possible.
- Word Perfect allow anybody to do some terrible
thinks which are in LATEX prohibited. For example
\section{Some sect\tableofcontents ion}. Many of them have been founded
and fixed but I guess that number of such situations is very big.
But don't worry so much. If your document is simple, you can use converted
LATEX file immediately with only minor changes. If your document become
complex, then you must check conversion results more carefully.
It is a good idea to print a converted file and compare it with original one.
If you expect, that something is removed from your document you can
try -l logfile.txt option to see a list of all WP objects.
6 Guidelines
6.1 Tabbing
Tab settings allow the exact placement of pieces of text, e.g., for creating
tables. There are two sorts of commands involved here. First, there is the
setting of tabs; this defines where subsequent tab-stop commands will
place text. Then there are the tabs themselves, which force a jump to
one of the previously-defined positions. In LATEX, however, tabs
are enabled only within a tabbing environment. takes
care of that by invoking a tabbing environment only for those lines
where one or more tabs appear.
Within WordPerfect, a line containing tabs must terminate with a hard
carriage return. If this is not the case, the tab positions in the generated
LATEX-document will not be fixed. LATEX will incorrectly typeset the
spacing of such lines.
The following WordPerfect text will be incorrectly converted:
Text1 [Tab] text2 [Tab] text3 [SRt]
text4 [Tab] text5. [HRt]
The following is better:
Text1 [Tab] text2 [Tab] text3 [HRt]
text4 [Tab] text5. [HRt]
A tab-setting in the middle of a line holds for the entire line in the
converted document (unlike in WordPerfect). It is
therefore advisable to set tabs at the beginning of or prior to the
pertinent line.
Few restrictions:
LATEX endows such commands as \', \` and \= with special
meanings within a tabbing environment. Outside a tabbing
environment, these commands are used for the placement of accents; within
one, however, they must be replaced by \a', \a` and \a=,
respectively. does not perform this replacement, so it is
left to the user to do it after the conversion.
WordPerfect 5.0 allows up to 40 tabstops to be set. LATEX can set at most
14 of them. As a result, if tabs are to be converted properly, the user may
set no more than 14 tabstops within WordPerfect, either. If more than 14
tabs are set, processing by LATEX will result in a number of error messages,
and ultimately one or more tabs may be lost.
6.2 Indenting
Indenting is used to alter the margins of pieces of text (paragraphs).
Possible conversions with regard to indenting commands are :
Examples :
[®Indent]* ¯
An indented paragraph which [SRt]
extends over several lines and [SRt]
is closed with a hard carriage [SRt]
return. [HRt]
label [®Indent]*
¯ We see here the possibility of [SRt]
placing a `label' in front of [SRt]
indented text. [HRt]
[®Indent]* label [
¯ It is also possible to place [SRt]
an `indented label' in front [SRt]
of indented text. [HRt]
where [®Indent]* indicates one or more
[®Indent] commands.
The indenting consists from three commands:
This TEXcommand replaces a \par command. But
moreover it measure the length of the last paragraph line.
A command \zerolastline assumes that the size of the last
paragraph line is zero.
A LATEXenvironment indenting is used to indent a text.
In current release the limitation of two indents is broken, but
you cannot combine indents and tabs together.
6.3 Combinations of tabbing and indenting
In practice it is evident that tabbing and indenting commands are often
used together. The effect of that within WordPerfect is often identical:
words come out on the page where one wishes, on the screen as well
as on paper (What You See Is What You Get).
In LATEX, however, the difference between tabs and indents is fundamental.
It is important that the WordPerfect-user take this into account. Thus only
the [Tab] command may be used for tabbing and only the
[®Indent] command for indenting. If both tabbing and
indenting commands are used within a single line, only the type which is
encountered first will be converted.
An example:
[Tab] tom [Tab] dick [®Indent] harry [HRt]
The tab command in this line comes before the indenting command. The
interpretation by is then:
[Tab] tom [Tab] dick harry [HRt]
The indent-command is eliminated. The line should instead look as follows:
[Tab] tom [Tab] dick [Tab] harry [HRt]
6.4 Page number positioning
The WordPerfect document is converted to a single-sided document. This
means that page number positions 4 and 8 are not converted. The page
number positions which will convert are reproduced in
figure 1.
Picture Omitted
Figure 1: page number positions
6.5 WordPerfect default values
The conversion program generates, independently of the WordPerfect settings,
a LATEX document with a left margin of 1 inch (2.54cm). This is because
LATEX enforces left and top margins of at least 1 inch (see
figure 2). therefore assumes that the margins
in the WordPerfect document are also set to 1 inch and that they do not
Tabs are set every inch by default (14 tab stops). A different default
tab-setting can be placed at the first line. If the standard, one-inch
default settings are not used, however, processing by LATEX may produce
error messages. This has more to do with the manner in which WordPerfect
positions tab-stops than it does with LATEX(see figure 2).
LATEX positions tab stops relative to the left margin, which, as mentioned
above, is a minimum of 1 inch wide. In WordPerfect the left margin and the
tab settings are independent of each other.
Picture Omitted
Figure 2: tab settings in WordPerfect and LATEX
6.6 Footnotes & Endnotes
Within a footnote only carriage returns and typefaces (see
§ 2) are converted. A footnote number may
consist only of numerals.
Footnotes within lines which contain tab settings will not appear at the bottom
of the page; LATEX, in contrast to WordPerfect, does not process them. This
is a limitation (read: bug) of LATEX.
Endnotes are processed similarly as footnotes. Moreover an additional style
endnotes.sty must be present in TEX path for styles.
If you don't use endnotes in your WP document, the style
endnotes.sty is not required.
6.7 Formulas
Because of the philosophy of typing an equations in WP is very similar
to TEX conversion is not so difficult. The Math is written in both cases
in text notation, but in WP is enveloped into the object [Equ Box:nn;;].
This convertor is also able to translate Greek characters, symbols and
matrixes included in equations.
Example (of some simple equation):
WP equation string:
" a= 1/4+{4^5} over {2+x^5} + 1 over {2 + 3 over {4+y}}
5 SQRT {68+x^e over 5} ~ + ~ NROOT {r+6}{8} "
TEXequation string:
" a= 1/4+\frac{{4^5}}{{2+x^5}} +\frac{1}{{2
+ \frac{3}{{4+y}}}} - 5 \sqrt {{68+x^
\frac{e}{5}}} ~ + ~ \sqrt [ {r+6} ] { 8} "
And correctly displayed equation follows:
a = 1/4+ |
+ |
- 5 | Ö
+ | r+6
Influence of formula attributes
The inside part of formulas is nearly same, but interfacing LaTeX environment
depends on setting many attributes.
The simplest output environment is displaymath.
It is used for single formulas with anchor type paragraph or page without any caption.
The eqnarray* environment is used for multiple formulas in one.
If there is any caption then displaymath is changed to equation
or eqnarray. Only first equation in array is numbered and others
are marked by nonumber LATEXcommand.
Environment $ $ is used mainly for the character type anchoring.
Don't ask me why. Character anchored equations are usually a part of sentence
and displaymath will distort such sentences like this: Ö4 + 1/2.
It is also used in places where previous environments cannot be typed
(e.g. in the case of tables).
The most complicated case occurs when formula is enclosed in table, figure
or special box. Then correct box is generated and formula is placed inside.
Sometimes you must repair converted equations manually.
6.8 Headers and footers
Within a header or footer a number of converted features is
reduced (see § 2).
One can split a header or footer into three pieces :
- left-aligned
- centered
- right-aligned
These three parts are separated within WordPerfect by using the centering
command (Shift F6) and the flush-right command (Alt F6).
The effect of the WordPerfect commands in the header
Left[Cntr]Middle[C/A/Flrt][Flsh Rt]Right[C/A/Flrt]
will, after conversion to LATEX format, be interpreted as is shown in
figure 3. Choosing a new setting for the placement
of header or footer text on only even (or only odd) pages does not affect
the alternate pages' previous setting.
Picture Omitted
Figure 3: headers
6.9 Images
It is quite difficult to convert text with images without any compromise.
Current version of attempts to ease image conversion as much
as possible. Some images are not converted, but they could be extracted from
WP file by using switch -extract-WPG. Then they could be normally converted
by external utility (e.g. ImageMagick
or GraphicMagick
generates a postscript placeholder when it cannot cope with image.
User could replace this placeholder with converted postscript image.
Switch -extract-WPG do not influence output LATEX file.
The image boxes are created in the LATEX file. There are three different
ways for converting them:
- epsfig This option is activated by -epsfig switch.
- graphicx This option is activated by -graphicx switch. This is
a standard package included in LATEX20e. This option is
refused when converting into LATEX2.0.
- input-PS This option is activated by -inputPS switch. InputPS is useful
package for including postscript files.
Example of converted image:
\begin{center}\InputPS{\FigDir/} \end{center}
\caption{Three point attachment to the wall.}
This will look like this image:
Picture Omitted
Figure 4: Three point attachment to the wall.
The user could replace dummy image TRAINER.PS by the newly converted one.
It is not necessary to change LATEX source after replacing images, because
they are stored externally.
If the file contains a lot of images, it is good idea to redirect them into
separate directory. Use the switch -fig-output-dir for specifying a directory
for storing images. It is good idea to enter relative path like ./images.
Otherwise the LATEXfile would be not portable. The relative
path is related to output .tex file. Default value is ".".
Because WordPerfect works well as tool for the visual design of a document,
users often have the tendency to use spaces to produce an acceptable layout.
Multiple spaces within LATEX, however, have the same effect as a single
space. Therefore, in converting a WordPerfect document, multiple spaces are
changed into `hard' LATEX-spaces.
For example:
WordPerfect | LATEX |
word1 word2 | word1 ~~~word2 |
When these come at the beginning of a line, however, they have no effect.
Moreover, the layout which existed in the WordPerfect environment will seldom
be properly achieved in LATEX, because of the different typographic rules,
typefaces and text-spacing that the latter handles.
Note: This feature produces typographically incorrect things and
thus it is implicitly turned off. If you want to turn it on, then use switch
The is also able to convert a tables. It converts
style of centering of columns. It do not recognize
all WP features such as special dotted cells, and double lines somewhere.
Thus an line art from tables will not be converted well.
A size of columns is not converted.
Table looking like this in WP:
[Tbl Def:I;3,5.31cm,5.31cm,5.31cm]
[Row] [Cell] Left Centered [Cell] Center [Cell] Right Centered
[Row] [Cell] 111 [Cell] 222 [Cell] 333 Centered
[Tbl Off]
Is converted to:
Left centered | Center | Right centered |
111 | 222 | 333 |
7 Used Styles
has its own style named WP2LATEX.STY. Features in this style
could be divided into two categories:
- Features that I cannot find in any package.
- Automatically disabled/enabled features that could be found in
some packages. Packages with those features must precede WP2LATEX.STY
to avoid double definition errors.
Please keep in mind, that you do not need to use all listed packages.
You can disable some of them or all of them and should still
be able to produce LATEX output. WP2LATEX.STY is the only mandatory
The full list of used packages:
- amssymb
- Style with special math characters.
- makeidx
- Style for creating index file.
- ulem
- Style for better underlining and striking out text.
- wp2latex
- The basic style. This style is mandatory and is
used in every documents.
- twoside
- The style for distinguishing odd and even pages mainly
for headers and footers.
- twocolumn
- Style that supports typesetting in two columns.
- multicol
- Style that supports typesetting in two or more columns.
- endnotes
- Style that supports endnotes.
- cyrillic
- Style with special mainly Russian characters.
- graphicx
- Standard style for including postscript graphics in LATEX2.0e.
- InputPS
- Style that supports postscript tricks inside LATEX files.
The newest version could be downloaded from
- wasyfont
- Style with special characters.
- textcomp
- Style with special characters.
- bbm
- Style with special characters.
- mathrsfs
- Style with special characters.
- fancyhdr
- Style that supports headers and footers for pages.
- fontenc[T1]
- Style with special characters.
- longtable
- Another style for tables.
- czech
- Native support for Czech language. Used only if the czech
language is autodetected.
- german
- Native support for German language. Used only if the czech
language is autodetected.
8 Advanced features
8.1 Understanding log file
The log file is aimed to better understanding of the contents of binary
objects in the original WordPerfect file. It is similar to reveal codes
in the WordPerfect editor. From this file you could find all objects
that are not converted yet.
Creation of the log file is normally disabled. You could enable it by
option -l logfilename. After conversion you can use any text viewer
for analysing this file.
An example of the log file:
% log file for converted file c:\temp\font8.wp, WP ver 6.0
% conversion program WP2LaTex v. 2.111 from 27 Dec 1999.
Object type: DDh subtype: Ah length: 16 [!Global on]
Object type: D1h subtype: Fh length: 16
Object type: D1h subtype: 13h length: 12
Object type: D1h subtype: 11h length: 340
Object type: D3h subtype: 5h length: 12 [Justification Full]
Object type: DDh subtype: Bh length: 11 [!Global off]
Object type: D4h subtype: 5Fh length: 16 TNR1>>>
Object type: D4h subtype: 1Bh length: 31 [!Font 1.00]
Object type: D4h subtype: 1Ah length: 31 [!Font Times] <<<Kecy kecy
Object type: CFh subtype: 0h length: 1 [SRt] kecy
% pass1 finished going to pass2
% pass2 finished
% There were 0 unconverted characters.
% There were 25 unrecognized/ignored objects.
On the top of the log file is placed small header. The list of objects
continues. Features Object type: D4h subtype: 1Ah length: 31 are
WP internals and you do not need to care with them. If the interpretation
of object is known, the bracketed symbol [Justification Full] appear.
If the interpretation of object is known, but object cannot be converted,
the exclamation mark '!' appear before object name [!Font Times].
The object name is normal reveal code of recognized symbol.
Normal text is placed after objects.
8.2 Logging of nested objects
When WP2LaTeX parses any object nested into a main WP file, different
output might appear. That is why different internal symbol subset
must be used to understand file contents. Symbols from nested objects
are indented for better reading of logs.
Object type: D2 subtype: 5 length: 128 L
{GRtyp#F;len:6;!Start WPG l1}
{GRtyp#2;len:4;Line Attributes}
{GRtyp#1;len:2;Fill Attributes}
{GRtyp#14;len:ae3b;Bitmap l2}
{GRtyp#10;len:0;!End WPG l1}
Object type: DA subtype: 0 length: 121 L [Figure]
This is example of WPG graphic included inside WP file. Tho get a full
understanding of symbol meaning you should read WPG file format specification.
9 Warning and Error messages
This section discusses all warning runtime output messages.
Fatal Errors:
- This error is quite serious and will not run properly.
It might occur when is ported to new platform. Do
suggested operation and recompile your code until this problem occurs.
This error is something like General Protection Fault. Such error
message should not appear. Please edit your makefile, recompile
with defined symbol DEBUG (proper switch for gcc is
-DDEBUG) and run again. Then try to trace out a buggy
part of code from the file default.log.
- This is a bug. Please report.
The given WordPerfect file does not exist.
You probably port this program to another compiler. Some variables
must have a unique size and thus you should fix it in the file
An error occurred while writing a .LOG file. This may be a device
error e.g. device is full.
The given WordPerfect file was not created in the WordPerfect 5.x
or WordPerfect 6.0.
There are two possible problems. Either your WordPerfect file is
corrupted or some object is not recognized correctly. If you are sure
that your file is healthy report this, it could be a bug.
An invalid path was given in the name of one of the files.
This is a bug. Please report.
- The log file cannot be opened. The program will continue normally
without logging anything.
There has been added password to the WP file. Decrypting code is
implemented only for WP4.x and WP5.x and it may fail.
This is a problem of your document. Found [Tab] is useless and is
ruled out.
The package ämssymb" is available only for LATEX2.0e and you want to convert
into LATEX2.09. Conversion will continue normally, but you may
expect problems during translating converted LATEX code.
You passed something wrong on your command line. Read this manual more carefully.
You want to use unsupported encoding.
Because there is no way how to check WP4.x format, you see this message.
Everything may be OK if you really have file from WP4.x.
10 The package
The package contains the following files :
- MAKEFILE (The root makefile for wp2latex package.)
- README.1ST (The file with basic instructions- abbreviated description of this program.)
- README.TXT (The main readme file for advertising this program.)
- WP2LATEX.FAQ (File with answers to frequently asked questions.)
- STYLES.TEX\BoxedEPSF.TEX (Additional style for including PS images.)
- STYLES.TEX\ENDNOTES.STY (Additional style for processing endnotes in LATEX\.)
- STYLES.TEX\CYRACC.DEF (Additional package for including cyrillic characters
into LATEX document.)
- STYLES.TEX\CYRILLIC.STY (Additional style for including cyrillic characters
into LATEX document - uses CYRACC.DEF.)
- STYLES.TEX\InputPS.STY (Additional style for including PS images.)
- STYLES.TEX\WP2LATEX.STY (Style file needed by LATEX for processing.)
- STYLES.TEX\WASYFONT.STY (Additional style for including characters from wasy2 font into LATEX\.)
- SOURCES.CC\ (The directory with C++ sources.)
- SOURCES.CC\FORMULAS.CC (Procedures for converting WP5.x and WP6.x formulas.)
- SOURCES.CC\CHARACTR.CC (Procedures for converting extended WP characters.)
- SOURCES.CC\IGETTEXT.CC (Procedures for initialize gettext translation features.)
- SOURCES.CC\MAKEFILE (Makefile for C++ version under both DJGPP and Linux.)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1.CC (common procedures needed for all WP convertors during 1st pass.)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1XML.H (Prototypes for HTML and XML tags)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS2.CC (procedures for PASS2)
- SOURCES.CC\WP2LATEX.CC (main part of )
- SOURCES.CC\WP2LFUTI.CC (file related functions for general usage)
- SOURCES.CC\WP2L_LIB.CC (miscellaneous functions for general usage)
- SOURCES.CC\WP2LATEX.H (main include file for all components of .)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1_3.CC (conversion module (PASS1) for Macintosh WP version 2.x, 3.x or 4.x)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1_4.CC (conversion module for WP version 4.x)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1_5.CC (conversion module for WP version 5.x.)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1_6.CC (conversion module for WP version 6.x (and also 7.x) )
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1ABI.CC (conversion module for AbiWord documents)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1C45.CC (decrypter for WP4.x and WP5.x encrypted files - does not perform conversion)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1MTF.CC (MTEFF equations parser - used in >WP10, RTF and Word documents.)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1OLE.CC (procedures for parsing OLE wrapper that might contain WP6x document.)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1HTM.CC (conversion module for HTML documents)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1RTF.CC (conversion module for RTF documents)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1WMF.CC (Attempt to parse Window metafile)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1WRD.CC (Attempt to convert Word documents)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1XML.CC (Support for HTML and XML tags)
- SOURCES.CC\PASS1602.CC (conversion module for Text 602 documents)
- SOURCES.CC\ATOMS (Additional library with some special C++ stuff like strings, sets, matrices etc.)
- SOURCES.CC\ATOMS\INCLUDE\COMMON.H (Include file with some compiler specific commands.)
- SOURCES.CC\ATOMS\LISTS.CC (Collection of procedures for operations with lists of text.)
- SOURCES.CC\ATOMS\INCLUDE\LISTS.H (The include file for tool LISTS.CC.)
- SOURCES.CC\ATOMS\SETS.CC (Collection of procedures for operations with sets.)
- SOURCES.CC\ATOMS\INCLUDE\SETS.H (The include file for tool SETS.CC.)
- SOURCES.CC\ATOMS\STRINGS.CC (Collection of procedures for operations with strings.)
- SOURCES.CC\ATOMS\STRUCT.C (Procedures for endian conversion of multi-byte numbers.)
- SOURCES.CC\ATOMS\INCLUDE\TYPES.H (This include file provides fixed size numbers like BYTE, WORD, DWORD.)
- SOURCES.CC\CP_LIB (Additional library for handling and converting codepages.)
- SOURCES.CC\CP_LIB\WP5.ENC (Character positions for WP5.x)
- SOURCES.CC\CP_LIB\WP6.ENC (Character positions for WP6.x)
- SOURCES.CC\CP_LIB\UNICODE.ENC (Character positions for unicode)
- SOURCES.PAS\ (The directory with the original Turbo Pascal 7.0 sources - obsolete!)
- SOURCES.PAS\COMMON.PAS (Commonly used procedures)
- SOURCES.PAS\FORMULAS.PAS (Unit for converting of formulas)
- SOURCES.PAS\PASS1.PAS (procedures for PASS1)
- SOURCES.PAS\PASS1_6.PAS (experimental procedures for PASS1 for WP version 6.0)
- SOURCES.PAS\PASS2.PAS (procedures for PASS2)
- SOURCES.PAS\WP2LATEX.PAS (main part of )
- DOS\WP2LATEX.EXE (the conversion program DOS executable)
- OS2\WP2LATEX.EXE (the conversion program OS/2 executable)
- LINUX\WP2LATEX (the conversion program Linux ELF executable)
- WIN\WP2LATEX.EXE (the conversion program MS Windows executable)
- WIN\BCC55.BAT (batch file for compilation with Borland C++ 5.5)
- WIN\BCC55.BAT (response file for Borland C++ 5.5)
- DOC\ (The directory with documentation texts.)
- DOC\BUG.TXT (The description of known bugs. Please consult this file first before you
will report anything.)
- DOC\WP2LTX.TEX ( Dutch (original) version of the user's guide - now obsolete)
- DOC\WP2LATEX.1 (Man page for WP2LATEX program.)
- DOC\WP2LATEX.TEX (This user's guide.)
- TEST\ (The directory with testing WordPerfect files.)
- TEST\TEST.WP (WP test file with mix of features)
- TEST\CHARACTR.WP (WP test file with all WP charsets)
Four executable files are supported. One for real mode MSDOS, second
for MSWindows, third for Linux and fourth for protected DOS DJGPP.
All versions work in text mode. Using of DPMI (protected mode) version is not
necessary, because the memory requirements of this program are too small
to do this.
DJGPP version benefits only for raster images conversion.
10.1 Re-compilation of the code
Because the is distributed with source code you can solve to recompile
all code. Recompilation is easy for supported systems: DJGPP and Linux.
(May be that you will succeed in others systems like Solaris, AIX
but I have no chance to test it.)
Linux and other Unixes
prompt:>./configure Enter
prompt:>make Enter
A configure script should do all configuration job for you in most cases.
If not, you have to solve a current problem. Please consult a WP2LaTeX.faq
file, where known compilation failures are discussed.
Enter a command make generic followed by make
in the directory.
prompt:>make Enter
After this command all source code should be completely rebuild.
The program is distributed without syntactical bugs because I will
never release a new code without testing it.
You could benefit from installing a JPG library and compile a code with
JPG support enabled. I have uploaded one snapshot of JPG library
to a homepage: .
DOS/WINDOWS and Borland C++
Because there is freely available Borland C++ compiler, I also provide script
for building by BCC.
Before using it please ensure that paths in the
file bcc55.bat are correct and also check paths inside .RSP file
change to directory win
cd win
execute bcc55.bat
The project for Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 is also distributed.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2000 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 are able to
open it and upgrade it to their release. If you have MSVC200 or MSVC2003
import a MSVC/wp2latex.dsw file.
You could rebuild a target Win32 release or
Win32 release gettext that has also added online translations
to foreign languages.
10.2 Compile options
You could control tradeoff size over speed by configure script a little bit.
Use ./configure --enable-extra-optimization=size to optimize for
size. This option shrink executable by 3% (measured with gcc-3.0.4).
I hope that normal user might prefer this option.
Use ./configure --enable-extra-optimization=speed to optimize for
speed. This option generates fastest executable that is 5.5% bigger.
When you are using WP2LaTeX for automatical batch conversion this option might
help you a little bit. Safe mode and output messages also slow down
conversion time.
10.3 Modularity of the code
The current release of is quite big > 400kb. But from now
you could shrink size of code a lot. consists from separate
conversion modules that do not need to be all included in the code.
If you do not need some module, simply comment out it the makefile and relink
. Everything should work fine without recompilation of another
conversion modules.
OBJECTS+=pass1ole$(OBJ) cole/new_cole$(OBJ)
## codepage library for HTML & RTF ##
#conversion module for HTML
#conversion module for RTF
#conversion module for T606
# T602 parser ##
Orientational values of module sizes:
Module name | Purpose | code size | data size | results |
PASS1ABI.CC | Abiword | (f) 5731 | 488 | moderate |
PASS1C45.CC | encrypted WP4 and WP5 | 3395 | 323 | decrypts all |
PASS1CDCB.CC | Docbook | 3171 | 353 | experimental |
PASS1RTF.CC | Rich Text File | (+) 16620 | (+) 2247 | moderate |
PASS1_1.CC | WP1.x for MAC | 3564 | 695 | experimental |
PASS1_3.CC | WP2,3,4.x for MAC | 10107 | 2567 | moderate |
PASS1_4.CC | WP4.x | 9046 | 685 | good |
PASS1_5.CC | WP5.x and WPG | 16583 | 1335 | excellent |
PASS1_6.CC | WP6.x - WP12.x | 26751 | 2761 | excellent |
PASS1OLE.CC | OLE Wrapper | (*) 1068 | (*) 138 | extracts all |
PASS1_HT.CC | HTML and Accent | (+f) 12708 | (+) 3332 | moderate |
PASS1602.CC | Text 602 | (+) 3464 | (+) 278 | good |
PASS1WRD.CC | MS Word (unfinished) | (*) 11970 | 774 | bad |
PASS1MTF.CC | Math Type Equation | 8053 | 8767 | good |
(*) Require cole library (code+6697 :data+18)
(+) Require cp_trn module (code+357 :data+24665)
(f) Require XML module (code+1983 :data+13)
For example:
you want to convert only WP5 documents so you will save
(1907+285) + (10537+1740) + (2988+352) + (8629+581) +(698+121 + 6697+18) +(24685+1961) + (12708+3332) + (3580+281) + = 106122
It means that final code will be about 106kb shorter in this case.
Please note also conversion results. Some modules are mature enough and
some are only experimental. You could try this convertor e.g. for Microsoft
Word and look for another convertor, if you are not satisfied with results
10.4 Support for gettext library
This feature allows to internationalize programs by translating their
messages into your native language. The code of was modified
to support this library. If you do not have it, comment the line
GETTEXT=-D__gettext__ in the makefile. Otherwise you will
not able to successfully compile.
# Uncomment next line for allowing a gettext multilanguage translation features
# This feature is not required for successful run of WP2LaTeX.
10.5 Debugging version of
If you have problems with run of the you can solve to
create debugging version. The comment in makefile should be
clear for explanation.
# Uncomment next line for compile a debugging version of WP2LaTeX
The debugging version logs all function calls so that big .LOG file can
be created. Use this feature only if you really want to debug because
it slows down all code.
11 Copyright
This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
of the GNU General Public License version 2 available from If anybody makes any change to this
package, I am asking him to explicitly write that his package
differs from original package.
Current copyright could be obtained by typing wp2latex -copyright.
WP2LaTeX contains several libraries, that have different
licencing models.
- wvParser GPL Originally obtained from Word View by
This library could be compiled out - see 10.3.
- Atoms LGPL written by me
- Localiser LGPL obtained from libc.
- endnotes.sty Freeware by
It is also possible to buy commercial version that
is GPL free.
12 Conclusion
The 100%-correct conversion of a WordPerfect-document is not guaranteed.
Error messages can always appear during processing by LATEX. Some
adjustments to the generated LATEX file will in many cases be necessary.
The following were given the highest priority :
- preventing the loss of text
- avoiding program crashes
Because the sources are included in portable C++ language it should not be
too difficult modifying the program.
The file formats we used for our program were found in the WordPerfect
Developer's Toolkit.
If you have remarks or comments regarding the program, you can send them
Jaroslav Fojtík
Email: (my new Email) (might be invalid after 8/1/2005)
or: (this may be invalid after 2000, but still works in 2005 :-)))
| |
Post Address:
Jaroslav Fojtik
Dvouramenna 13
Praha 4 - Podoli
140 00
Czech Republic
| |
Before doing this please visit my www page and test recent version:
I have found that all addresses of previous authors are not currently valid.
R.C. Houtepen
Brusselstraat 150
4826 NK Breda
The Netherlands
Tel: 076-714777
R.L.M. Helwig
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. BOX 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Tel: 040 - 472724
uucp :
bitnet : rcronh@heitue5
(This page is intentionally left blank for notes.)
1This may be a WordPefect 5.0
document with an extension other than |.WP|}\end
\tthhref{#tthFrefAAC}{$^{2}$}{Thismay be a file with an
extension other than |.TEX|}\end
File translated from
version 3.85.
On 21 Nov 2008, 00:15.