Text602ToLaTeX module Experimental Release 0.3
What is it HTML2LaTeX?
T602ToLaTeX is a patch for WP2LaTeX that allow it to convert also Text 602 documents.
WP2LatTeX itself is a general purpose conversion kernel with three interfaces
for three totally different WP versions. My idea was to try, whether conversion
from Text602 is possible.
What could you expect from T602ToLaTex?
This code works, but it knows only small group of commands. What could
you expect from release 0.3 :-) But it really works and it can outperform
current version of T602toLaTex!
Conversion possibilities
- Comments
- Character sets: KEYBCS2; LATIN2; KOI8CS
- Hard page breaks
- Hard returns
- Justification :
- Several Extended characters (foreign language/accented - not
- The following Typefaces:
- Large
- Width
- Superscript
- Subscript
- Italic
- Bold
- Underlined
- Headers and Footers
Downloading and getting started T602toLaTeX
T602tolatex is currently part of wp2latex package.
Please download latest wp2latex release and type "make html"
or "make x2latex".
How can You contribute to further developping T602toLaTeX
report me bugs.
Documentation about T602toLaTeX
Currently only this page.
Related Pages
Contact me at: fojtik@penguin.cz or
fojtik@htc.honeywell.cz or fojtik@cmp.felk.cvut.cz
Yours Sincerely, Jaroslav Fojtik
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