Because the capabilities of WordPerfect and LATEX differ strongly, it is
not possible to convert all of WordPerfect's `features'.
The conversions which are performed by (when converting WP3.x
documents) are:
- Center page
- Colors (Only LATEX20e)
- Extended characters (one charset 256 with chars)
- Flush-right text
- Hard page breaks
- Hard returns
- Justification :
- Soft Hyphen
- The following Typefaces :
- Bold
- Italic
- Underlined
- Small Capitals
- Widow Orphan On/Off
The conversions which are performed by (when converting WP4.x
documents) are:
- Center page
- Comment
- Contents
- Mark To Contents
- Table of Contents
- Date Code
- Endnotes
- Extended characters (one charset 256 with chars)
- Flush-right text
- Footnotes
- Headers and footers
- Hard page breaks
- Hard returns
- Hyphenation On/Off
- Indenting :
- Index
- Mark To Index
- Table of Indices (makeindex is required)
- Justification :
- Language
- Marks ToContents
- Newspaper-style columns (experimental max only 2)
- Overstriking
- Page number positioning
- Page numbers
- Page number set
- Soft Hyphen
- The following Typefaces :
- Superscript
- Subscript
- Bold
- Italic
- Underlined (ability to utilize ulem.sty)
- Double-underlined
- RedLine (Only LATEX20e)
- Widow Orphan On/Off
The conversions which are performed by (when converting WP5.x
documents) are:
- Abstract
- Advances
- Center page
- Colors (Only LATEX20e)
- Comment
- Contents
- Mark To Contents
- Table of Contents
- Cross-references
- Date Code
- Endnotes
- Endnote items
- Endnote placement
- Equations (formulas)
- Extended characters (foreign language/accented, math, Greek)
- Flush-right text
- Footnotes
- Headers and footers
- Hard page breaks
- Hard returns
- Hyphenation On/Off
- Image boxes Images itself should be converted by external utility.
- Indenting :
- Index
- Mark To Index
- Table of Indices (makeindex is required)
- Justification :
- Labels
- Language
- Marks ToContents
- Newspaper-style columns (using multicol.sty)
- Outlining
- Overstriking (and also attribute changes inside overstrikes)
- Page number positioning
- Page numbers
- Page number set
- Soft Hyphen
- Tab Settings
- Tabs :
- setting
- left tabs
- center tabs
- right tabs
- Tables
- Table boxes
- Table of contents
- Text boxes
- The following Typefaces:
- Extra large
- Very large
- Large
- Small
- Fine
- Superscript
- subscript
- Bold
- Italic
- Overstrike
- Small caps
- Underlined (ability to utilize ulem.sty)
- Double-underlined
- RedLine (Only LATEX20e)
- Title
- Widow Orphan On/Off
Not converted are :
- margin settings
- top and bottom margins
- the calculations in tables
- and many other WP features ...
The conversions which are performed by (when converting WP6.x
- WP12.x documents) are:
- Center page
- Colors (Only LATEX20e)
- Comment (also nested ones)
- Cross-references
- Endnotes
- Endnote counter
- Endnote items
- Endnote placement
- Equations (formulas) even new formula format introduced in WP11.x
- Extended characters (foreign language/accented, math, Greek - not linedrawing),
but some of them badly.
- Filename
- Flush-right text
- Footnotes
- Hard page breaks
- Hard returns
- Headers and footers
- Image boxes Images itself should be converted by external utility.
- Indenting
- Justification:
- Newspaper-style columns (using multicol.sty)
- Page number set
- Page numbers
- Tables
- Table boxes
- Table of contents
- Text boxes
- Typefaces list follows:
- Extra large
- Very large
- Large
- Small
- Fine
- Superscript
- subscript
- Italic
- Overstrike
- Small caps
- Bold
- Underlined (ability to utilize ulem.sty)
- Double-underlined
- RedLine (Only LATEX20e)
- Widow Orphan On/Off
Not converted are all other features for this case.
Note: WP7.x and WP8.x have the same binary format as WP6.x, so the same subset
of features is converted.
RTF2LaTeX conversion module could convert these RTF (Rich Text File) features:
- Colors (Only LATEX20e)
- Cross-references
- Endnotes
- Equations (formulas)
- Only those stored in MTEFF 2.x and MTEFF 3.x
- Footnotes
- Hard returns
- Headers and footers
- Justification:
- Typefaces list follows:
- Italic
- Small caps
- Bold
- Underlined (ability to utilize ulem.sty)
- Double-underlined
- Strike through
- Unicode symbols
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